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What kind of data storyteller are you?

Insight Agents’ philosophy of data storytelling is that this defining skill for the modern knowledge economy comprises three, core components.

To find out where you rank across these three dimensions – which we define as the Questioning Quotient, Insight Index, and Data Delivery – follow this link or click on the button below to take our Data Storytelling Scorecard.

What type of data storyteller are you?

Answer 12 questions and get your score.

It’ll take you a couple of minutes to complete the 12, simple questions, and we’ll serve you with an instant report that ranks you on these three, core dimensions of data storytelling.

What’s more, by getting your whole team – or, indeed, a representative sample of your whole organisation – to complete the scorecard, we can create a bespoke report for you on your data storytelling culture. Send us an email at hello@insightagents.co.uk if you’d like to do this, and we’ll prepare a summary report for you at no cost, aggregating results across multiple responses from your team.

How good are you and your team at moving from Data to Insight and from Insight to Action?

Answer 13 questions and get your score

Data-driven decision making

In a world where decisions are driven by data and sealed by stories, mastering the art of transitioning from data to insight and from insight to action is today business-critical. We’re such fans of scorecards that we’ve created a second questionnaire that we call D2I2A – “Data to Insight to Action”. 13 questions this time, and again it’ll take you just a few minutes to complete. The D2I2A Scorecard ranks you and your team across four related but different dimensions:

As with the Data Storytelling Scorecard, you’ll get an personalised report emailed to you straightaway. And the whole team / representative sample of your organisation rationale applies here, too.

Again, follow this link or click on the button below to take the D2I2A questionnaire.

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Worthy House,
14 Winchester Road
Basingstoke, Hampshire,
RG21 8UQ

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